Sexual Addiction
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The Secret
September 16, 2012

The problem with a sex addiction is the secrets. The whole thing is kept as a lie, a disquise, its hidden away so that now one else will know. Once it is found out, addicts will do anything to protect themselves. Defensive reactions, excuses, and of course--more lies to try […] [READ MORE]

Sex Glue
March 25, 2012

Douglas Weiss uses a concept called "Sex Glue" to describe the addictive nature of sexual activity. Over time, sexual addicts may find it difficult to become aroused by their wife, and this is because the addict has trained their brain to associate pleasure with other activities/stimulus to which they orgasm […] [READ MORE]

Do I really need help?
March 16, 2012

If you are reading this blog, the answer may be yes, because something in you has you looking for answers for how to stop. Sexual addictions are known to be harder to stop than addictions to smoking, or even drugs and alcohol. It is often an addiction of secrets. It […] [READ MORE]

The fine line
March 16, 2012

Many people who are researching counselling for the area of sexual addiction are the spouse of an addict. With fear of what may be unearthed, a spouse will seek what options are out there for help.  [READ MORE]
