Sexual Addiction
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Do I really need help?
March 16, 2012

If you are reading this blog, the answer may be yes, because something in you has you looking for answers for how to stop. Sexual addictions are known to be harder to stop than addictions to smoking, or even drugs and alcohol. It is often an addiction of secrets. It is not obvious to others that the problem exists. 

Many come to counselling because someone has found out about your secret, and it has created a relational problem. However, you do not need to wait until this happens. You know about your little secret, and by coming to counselling it can be let out within the context of confidentiality. You will not find judgement sitting across from you when you seek help. You will discover that I understand your situation, and am ready to offer you a strategy for success, and the hope you need to believe you can recover from this. So many are relieved to finally being able to share this secret, and to get on the road of recovery.

Filed under: Sex Addiction


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