Coming soon.
In so many couples that I work with, trust always emerges. How can you trust someone, if you are fighting, disrespecting each other, being critical, or causing emotional or physical harm? When trust is breached, there will not be love, honesty, transparency, closeness, tenderness, etc. The passion in the relationship will be gone, and many couples wonder if it is even possible to recover.
It is possible! BUT a lot of changes are going to be needed. While you are in your situation, you may not be able to actually see what your partner needs. Counselling can help you see the underlying needs that are being neglected everyday, and this is what is destroying the love you once had. Once you truly understand what is going on, you will find the motivation to turn the ship around, and head back into your dreams you once shared. Don't wait until your TRUST ACCOUNT runs dry. Get the help you need.