March 25, 2012
What defines you? For many it is your job, your family, your home, your car, etc. Anything that is a title or observable tends to be our defining quality. Is this how God defines you?
I have been delving into Romans 12 a lot lately. Verse 2 states "Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think" (NLT).
This really speaks a word of caution to those that have chosen to follow God. As a follower, we are to be transformed into someone new. This scares a lot of people, because becoming a new person suggests that we have to radically change. For some people, it may be a radical change of lifestyle, but not for everyone. As the passage says, no matter what lifestyle choices have to be made, we will all be challenged to change the way we think. We need to think how God thinks. Jesus was the perfect example of how we are to think how God thinks. He was in constant submission to do God's will, and to demonstrate God's message of salvation to the people.
As a Christian, you are to try to do the same. However, Jesus had an advantage since he was not wrestling with a sin nature. Our 'natural' state is to think about ourself first. This is not God's way of thinking. God's way of thinking is to put others above ourselves. If we stay with natural thoughts, we will see all kinds of injustice or seek self pleasures. We will see others as hypocrites, liars, fools, etc and we will react by being defensive, angry, or be filled with selfish ambitions and self pleasures. The natural thought life copies the world. We need a transformation to get away from this.
Being transformed is more difficult than one thinks. It is a challenge that takes a lifetime to achieve. However, your life may have troubles that are a result of divisive or selfish thinking. Your marriage may be struggling, you may be seeking self pleasures (sex, money, stuff), or you may be having constant difficulties with co-workers, friends, or family. Transformation takes a serious look at ourself, to determine whether our thoughts, words, or actions are what God desires for us--without justifications! It is very difficult to sort out our thoughts and emotions, especially when hurt is involved. Holding onto hurts takes us away from our true identity.
God knows who we are. He planned our identity before we were even born. His desire is for us to not only discover what that is, but then to live our life as He intended. When we are walking in His will for our lives, we learn to resolve some of the difficulties. It is not automatic! It takes a lot of work to overcome the results of our natural mind. But with God, anything is possible. His definition for who you are is perfect.
If you need help discovering your true identity, and getting on track with restoring relationships that are impacted by your natural mind, please call or email via the contact page.