Coming soon.
God couldn't be HERE!
April 26, 2012
Over and over, I hear from clients who ask for Faith Integration, that God isn't near them. He is absent in the present, and He was definitely not there when something bad was happening long ago. However, as we begin discussing it further--It is just not true.
Hebrews 13 reminds us of an Old Testament promise: Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. This is a promise for all of God's people, from the Israelites, to the New Testament Church. God does not change His promises just because we lack the faith to believe them! The Deuteronomy 31 passage this refers to, is when Moses passes the baton of leadership over to Joshua. This was spoken to encourage Joshua to NOT BE AFRAID. Being afraid is most often when people can't see God around. Yet, He is there, preparing the way for you to take new land. He is preparing you to receive His promise.
So if you are afraid, but want to understand God's presence in your situation--I can help. It doesn't matter if it is a struggle with your current circumstance, or if you can't get beyond a past hurt or trauma--God has not forgotten his promise of His presence. Learning this will change your faith forever.